What is the Houston Awakening?

In October of 2022, I was praying about the state of sin in Houston County, Tennessee and the world. I remember thinking, “God why don’t you do something”. Young people are dying at an alarming rate because of drugs and alcohol, children are being abused, evil was taking our loved ones and friends down. Sin is called good while morality is called bad. Christians were content doing church with very few new converts. Most church growth today is transfer growth from one church to another. The belief in God has reached an all-time low. The whole of society is heading to eternal damnation. God spoke to me and said, you are the hope for those around you. I called you to go to them. He gave me a challenge and a vision. It comes from a religious survey done in Houston County that revealed that out of the 8,000 people that live here only 1,000 residents faithfully serve Christ. That leaves 7,000 people who need the hope that only Jesus can give them. Thus Project 7000 was born. I am charged with reaching them with a deadline of December 31, 2022! I am called to share Jesus anyway possible. I have enlisted, technology, media, community churches and pastors. The largest effort employed is the crusade called Houston Awakening. It will begin November 4th and will continue until God says that is enough! I am aware we can’t save anyone, but we can share the good news then it is up to the Holy Spirit to convict and the person to receive salvation. I and those who share this vision have committed to faithfully share the gospel daily. We are seeing people converted and look forward to hundreds more to awaken to God’s purpose for this lost world. I hope you will partner with us by praying, witnessing daily, attending the awakening, and financially giving to the work. No one church or minister is taking credit or claiming this crusade as their event. My home church is covering the Awakening for non-profit tax purposes but that is all. You won’t hear at the awakening about “My church or Your church”. We are leaving that for Jesus to be lifted up and then he will draw all men unto himself. This is a mission bigger than our abilities but with God all things are possible! God bless you and I hope to see you soon.

If you have not asked Jesus to forgive you for breaking His Bible laws. Please do this as you read this. Say Jesus forgive me and be Lord of my life. I will follow you with your help in Jesus’ name I ask, amen.

Let us know if you have decided to follow Jesus!

Pastor Charles
Project7000, Director